The Bath Property Awards are just around the corner and we are absolutely thrilled to be headline sponsors! Having worked with many fantastic local property businesses in the area, we have seen the passion, commitment and hard work that goes into nurturing Bath’s dynamic property market. 

It’s truly inspiring to witness the dedication of these businesses and individuals who contribute to the growth and character of our community.

Let’s find out more about the awards…  

About The Awards 

The Bath Property Awards is an annual event organised by MediaClash that has been running for the last six years. With so many wonderful local property businesses in the area, it was set up to celebrate their achievements and give them the recognition they deserve. 

Along with the highly-anticipated prize reveals, those attending the event will get the opportunity to forge new relationships with other local businesses, helping those within the sector to expand networks, exchange knowledge, and strengthen the collaborative spirit that drives the industry forward.

S&J Sponsorship

s&j roofing showroom

For S&J Roofing, it’s an honour to be sponsoring such a prestigious event. Here’s what our company owner Lee Shellard had to say about it:

“It has been a lifelong dream to feature in Bath’s prestigious Bath Life Magazine, so to be given the opportunity to be a headline sponsor for the Bath Property Awards is a huge achievement for myself and the team at S&J.”

Why are the awards important to you?

“At S&J Roofing company, we recognise that there are so many wonderful local businesses within the property sector that should be celebrated. When operating within such a saturated market, those that commit to professional development, deliver an exceptional service and care about quality deserve some recognition – and that’s what the awards are all about.” 

What are you most looking forward to about the event?

“Of course, we’re eagerly anticipating the announcement of the winners. But, just as importantly, we’re looking forward to networking with the other attendees and finding out all about their involvement in the industry.”

Award Categories

The organisers offer an array of exciting award categories for companies to enter into. Here are just a few of them…

Lettings Agent: Targeted towards agencies managing property lettings within the Bath area, this category caters to the dynamic and competitive nature of the sector. The panel of judges seeks a lettings agent with a demonstrable history of successful home lettings, underscored by high levels of customer satisfaction. 

Architect: This category is intended for local architects who have undertaken projects both within the Bath region and beyond. The panel of judges is looking for a company that has created transformative design solutions, catering to present needs as well as future sustainability. This company must effectively embody the creativity of Bath’s sector while being a notable presence within it.

Civic Development: This section is open to entrants who can showcase local advancement with a genuine civic intention. It could be a structure for public amenities, a project focused on affordable housing, or a property that actively contributes to the well-being of the Bath community.

Winners of Winners: This is the ultimate prize for all contenders! This category will be awarded to the best overall winner. 

Previous Award Winners

Last year, structural and civil engineering firm, Integral Engineering Design, were delighted to be crowned the ‘Winners of Winners’ for their impressive restoration of the Clore Learning Centre and World Heritage Centre. 

Here’s what Bath and North East Somerset Council Project Manager, Jessica Turner, had to say about their innovative project:

“The Archway Project presented real opportunities to get education into the heart of the Roman Baths, but was challenging with diverse client requirements and a complex set of buildings. Integral took the time to support us, explaining engineering solutions in clear terms that we could pass on to our stakeholders.”

Want To Get Involved?

If you’re a local Bath business with an interest in entering the awards, you can register online via the Bath Property Awards website. The latest date for entry is the 6th of September, so make sure you get your nomination in fast!

Where Is The Event Being Held?

The event will be taking place on Friday the 3rd of November at The Apex City of Bath Hotel from 12 pm. To purchase a ticket, you can visit their website here.